Friday, February 2, 2007

week 9

I went to Google Labs and went to the music trends section first. It was cool to see what other people are listening to. I liked the fact that it gave you different places to go to get lyrics or to download songs. I also checked out Picasa since I love photography. It was very easy to navigate around in and I thought it would be very useful for someone that does a lot of photography and wants a way to store all the photos and even share them all. I would probably use this site at home.
I have been on Library Thing. It will be a great way for me to keep track of what I have read. I have this habit of starting a book and realizing after 2 chapters that I have read it already.Then I have to try to find something else.It was very simple to use. All I had to do was to type in the name of the book or the author and click on one of the books in the list and it was added to my library.

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